Sunday, March 18, 2012

Life is Good

So I kind of left everyone hanging with the last post. So the answer to that one is we Bought a HOUSE back in December and we LOVE it! We actually just finished remodeling some of the inside this week. Also today we had a big housewarming party with both Scott and mines families to celebrate getting a house and to also celebrate that we are HAVING A BABY!!!! We are so thrilled and excited and loved. I wasn't actually going to tell the world for a few weeks but I new everyone would find out eventually through all my family. Our due date is October 9th ish......We all know how babies are....they come when they want. We are praying for the best and hoping everything continues to go smoothly. I have the most Amazing OB/GYN and trust him completely with my care.  I am almost 11 weeks have been lucky enough to see the baby a few times and I love how each time he/she just gets bigger and bigger and watching the heartbeat just makes my heart melt. I can't wait till we can find out if it's a boy or girl! It was so fun to tell all my family today at once. I love seeing the smiles on their faces. This will be the first grandchild on both sides so as you can imagine the parents are really excited. So yeah, we are over the moon with joy. Still also a little in Shock, haha it's all still sinking in. :) So there you go, Scott and Kirsten are going to be parents! CRAZY!!!


Unknown said...

I am the happiest Mommy ever!!!!!! You and Scott are going to make great parents.... I am so proud of you both with the way you have led your lives and with the path you have laid out before you. With much love.... CONGRATULATIONS again :)

Kelsey said...

Congratulations! I am so excited for you!!

haylie said...


Bethany said...

How exciting!!! Email me your new house address and when you find out what the gender is (are you going to find out?) I'll mail you some baby clothes. Congratulations to the three of you!!!

kirstenwilsonphotography said...

Thanks guys! we are supper Excited!!! Bethany you are awesome! we find out in 7 weeks what the gender is and I will definitely let you know :) When is your new baby due?